Counselling & Help

The Rostock University of Music and Drama promotes the equal treatment of all persons – regardless of gender, physical characteristics, sexual identity, origin, age, religion, or disability – in studies, teaching, the performing arts, research, and administration. It is committed to counteracting any abuse of power and discrimination and places emphasis on trustworthy collaboration and a good working atmosphere.

All members of the university community are responsible for respecting personal rights, and preventing discriminatory behaviour and the abuse of power, particularly in dependent relationships at the workplace and during studies.

What do we mean by an abuse of power?

An abuse of power takes place as soon as a person uses their hierarchical, structural or situational position of power to assert their own interests or harm other people.

Examples of an abuse of power can arise from the following situational categories:

  • Effects on the ability to communicate
  • Effects on the social reputation
  • Effects on social circumstances
  • Effects on the quality of the work and living environments
  • Effects on the physical health

(categories pursuant to Heinz Leymann, The Content and Development of Mobbing at Work).

What does sexual discrimination mean?

Sexual discrimination is every verbal and/or non-verbal personal behaviour that harasses, discriminates, disparages, or discredits another person with regard to their gender or their sexual identity; as well as any behaviour that has been declared undesirable in general or in individual circumstances.

The following must be avoided in particular:

  • Physical contact without prior consent from the person affected,
  • Verbal and non-verbal harassment in the form of suggestive remarks, sexualised communication or unwanted comments about a person’s clothing and appearance,
  • Visual harassment through presentation of sexist pictures, objects, or pornographic content that have nothing to do with the teaching content.


If you feel affected by discrimination, sexual harassment, abuse of power, or mobbing, but do not yet wish to file an official complaint, you can turn to one of the designated contacts for advice on how to proceed. The advisory session is confidential.

Remedial measures can be developed that fall short of the threshold of an official complaint. Only you decide on any subsequent action. In such circumstances, the University Governance will not receive any official notification of the incident.


Prof. Dr. Silke Lehmann

Gender Equality Officer

Prof. Barbara Felsenstein

Deputy Gender Equality Officer

Florian Ahlborn

Member of the Conflict Management Team

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Gabriele Groll

Member of the Conflict Management Team

Prof. Dr. Oliver Krämer

Member of the Conflict Management Team

Sophia Reichel

Student, Member of the Conflict Management Team

Ines Sachs

Member of the Conflict Management Team

Prof. Dr. Holger Wangerin

Member of the Conflict Management Team

Leonie Pahlke

Representative for Minors at the YARO

Prof. Dr. Bernd Fröde

Inclusion Officer


In addition to an advisory session, or alternatively, any affected person can contact the Rectorate to file an official complaint pursuant to § 13 Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - AGG (General Act on Equal Treatment).

The University Governance is responsible for the subsequent procedure and remedial measures. The Rectorate takes the next steps whilst safeguarding the protection of the personal rights of those involved. This requires the complete and truthful depiction of the facts and the disclosure of the names of all persons involved.

The details of the procedure and possible sanctions can be found in the Guidelines against Abuse of Power and Sexual Discrimination [de].

Complaints Office

Office of the Rectorate

Jeanett Heine
Executive Assistant to the Rectorate
fon +49 381 5108-100
fax +49 381 5108-101
Raum OZ 02

External Advisory and Counselling Offers

Psychological counselling at hmt

Once a month, the Studierendenwerk (Student Services) Rostock Warnemünde provides an on-site counselling consultation for hmt Rostock’s students between 1 and 4.30 p.m.

The psychological counselling is aimed at all students who are stressed by acute or long-term personal or study-related problems.

Please register for a 40-minute initial consultation with Ms. Fechner-Landji (Dipl.-Psych.) by sending an email to sozialedienstestw-rwde by the Thursday of the week prior to the counselling consultation.

Psychological counselling service provided by the Studierendenwerk (Student Services) Rostock-Wismar

All students who are in need of support for coping with the burden of everyday life or studies may contact the counselling service. Students can bring up any topic of concern at the counselling session - whether private or study-related.

The individual session is subject to confidentiality and, if desired, can be held anonymously. The consultations are non-binding and free of charge. Counselling may be provided in several consecutive consultations, and if required, the Studierendenwerk will help to find suitable therapy options. The number of consultations is determined individually by the counsellor. The Studierendenwerk does not provide therapy.

Following prior arrangement with you, the psychological counselling session will take place in person in our counselling rooms, or over the phone.

Individual counselling session: Please contact Ms. Nitsche to arrange a session: sozialedienstestw-rwde (please provide a telephone number). The counselling sessions take place in person or over the phone.

Regular consultation hours: Tuesday, 9 - 11 a.m. (max. 20 minutes) via telephone: +49 381 4592 808

Further information is available on the Studierendenwerk’s website.

Counselling for addictions

Counselling and Treatment of Addictions Office at the Volkssolidarität Rostock-Stadt e.V.
Goethestraße 16 | 18055 Rostock

Regular consultations for students and trainees: Wednesdays from 3 - 4 p.m., Tel.: +49 381 4 92 34 41
The Counselling Office on Instagram