For most people, the time spent at university is a critical phase of life, which in retrospect is often felt to have been even more influential than their time at school. Alumni networks of former college students and graduates all over the world testify to this fact. Together with active students and lecturers, these networks are set up and developed to the benefit of all members. Rostock University of Music and Drama would also like to set up such a central network.
On November 8, 2001, the hmt invited all students who also completed a music course or music degree in Rostock before 1994 to a meeting in the Katharinenstift for the first time in its existence. The 2nd graduates’ meeting took place on November 3, 2006. In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the University of Music and Drama Rostock on Mai 24th, 2014 the next grand alumni reunion took place.
You are an alumni of the Rostock University of Music and Drama? We are happy to receive queries and ideas for the hmt alumni organisation at any time by e-mail to alumnihmt-rostockde. Please send us your address, e-mail address and the exact time you studied at the hmt so that we can build up our network. We look forward to hearing from you!
Mrs Dr. Heike Eisenhuth
fon +49 381 5108-225
fax +49 381 5108-201
room M1 01