Sponsors & Founders
At the hmt Rostock, talented young people learn the skills necessary for their subsequent career. They are accompanied by experienced teachers on their way from apprentice to master. Some are now beginning or have already begun brilliant careers in the wonderful atmosphere of the Katharinenstift.
You too can contribute to the high-quality training received by our young people and help create a positive image of Rostock as an economic centre and a city worth living in. Convince yourself of the opportunities offered by a successful cooperation. We will compile an individual partner package especially for you – no matter whether you prefer to support the hmt financially or materially. Just call us.
Angelika Thönes
Head of Press and Public Relations
fon +49 381 51 08-240
fax +49 381 51 08-101
… looks forward to a personal conversation with no obligation.
Your donation for quality
If you want to support our university and the students, you will have the opportunity to donate directly to the hmt Rostock. We welcome every donation. It helps us to ensure the high level of study and to increase the quality.
Account for donations:
Ostseesparkasse Rostock
Account holder: hmt Rostock
BIC description: NOLADE21ROS
IBAN description: DE 57 1305 0000 0201 0189 26
Reference: donation hmt Rostock
You can receive a tax-relevant certification. Please tell us this, with your address, payment date, amount and purpose of any bond (form):
Astrid Hugenberg, Accountancy
fon +49 381 51 08-218
fax +49 381 5109-214
Our Sponsors & Founders
- Familie Rahe-Stiftung
- OSPA-Stiftung und Ostdeutsche Sparkassenstiftung
- Ostseesparkasse Rostock
- Lions Club Rostock
- Stadtwerke Rostock AG
- Vienna House by Wyndham Sonne Rostock
- Elements GmbH
- Rostocker Brauerei
- Meinl Cymbals and Percussion
- Werk 3 Werbeagentur
- Lieblingsblume florale akzente