Welcome to hmt Rostock’s International Office!
The Rostock University of Music and Drama has a strong international community, characterised by 30% international students and several committed members from teaching staff from abroad.
As a member of the Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC), we promote and enable international exchange to provide a vibrant, tolerant, diverse and cosmopolitan learning environment. We actively maintain partnerships, in particular in the Baltic Sea region, and play an active role in international mobility and networking, for example, taking part in the Erasmus+ and other DAAD programmes.
The International Office plays a central role as a mediator, advisor and source of information for students and members of teaching staff, and also in the development of our Internationalisation Strategy, which we initiated in 2023 by participating in the Audit Strategy Workshop "Internationalisation of Universities".
Table of contents:
We will gladly advise you personally!
International Office
Tel.: +49 381 5108-226
Room SZ 07
Mr. Martin Rieck, Pro-Rector for Artistic Practice and International Relations
Ms. Jeanne Baldensperger, Head of the International Office (parental leave replacement for Mrs. Gianna Schellenberg) & Erasmus+ Coordinator
Ms. Ana Pérez Pousada & Ms. Louisa Reis, Student assistants
Latest News
Funding for periods of stay abroad
hmt Rostock encourages students, doctoral candidates, members of teaching staff and all other staff members to take part in a period of stay abroad. The International Office will be glad to provide corresponding advice and to accompany your projects. Get in touch! The following kinds of scholarships can provide financial support:

The European Union´s Erasmus+ Programme supports the academic mobility of students at all phases of their studies. There are also extensive opportunities for funding the mobility of members of staff at higher education institutions(teachers, continuing professional development).
Erasmus+ is meant to support the objectives of the European educational agendas, develop the modernisation, internationalisation and qualitative improvement of higher education in Europe, to strengthen the international competencies, personal development and employability of students, increase the attractiveness of the EU as a study and academic location, and contribute towards the sustainable development of higher education in third countries.
All information on the Erasmus+ programme can be found here.

At hmt Rostock, this DAAD programme primarily supports study trips. It is also possible to receive funding for travelling to competitions, as well as for periods of study and internships abroad.
Application deadline: The programme for 2025 will be advertised mid-June 2024.
More information is available here.

Applications for DAAD funding are submitted independently to DAAD. The International Office will be glad to provide support.
Scholarships for students of Music [de]: one-year period of study to a university abroad. The application deadline is in November for funding to commence in October of the following year.
Scholarships for students of Drama: one-year period of study to a university abroad. The application deadline is in November for funding to commence in October of the following year.
Lehramt.International: 3 to 12-month periods of teaching practice abroad fornewly qualified teachers. Application deadlines in April and July for funding to start two months later.
The DAAD has put together all of the required information for possible funding here: DAAD scholarship database
Applications for the following kinds of funding must be submitted independently. The International Office will be glad to provide any required support.
Auslands-BAföG [de]: Definitely apply for BAföG! The higher funding rates for training abroad mean that many students are also entitled to BAföG even if they receive no student funding because their parents' income is too high. . Applications for BAföG for periods of stay abroad must be submitted at least half a year prior to departure.
Ernst Mach Scholarship: one to nine-month research scholarship for doctoral candidates going to Austria. Application deadline in February.
German-American Fulbright Scholarship: periods of study in the US for graduates from bachelor’s degrees. Application deadline spring 2024 for funding to begin in study year 2025-26.
Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW):two to five-month periods of stay in France. Application deadlines on 15 July for winter semester and 15 December for summer semester. If you are interested in this programme, please contact hmt’s International Office first.
GFPS scholarship programme [de]: periods of study or one-semester language course in Poland and Czech Republic. Application deadline in May for the following winter semester.
GOStralia!-GOmerica! [de]: free advice for period of stay abroad in Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and the US, and on funding.
SCHULWÄRTS!: periods of teaching practice at schools abroad supported by the Goethe-Institut for students on teacher-training degree courses Application deadline in April for funding to start in the second half of the year.
SWISS MOBILITY PROGRAMME (SEMP): periods of study in Switzerland. Apply for an exchange semester. If you are accepted, you will automatically receive SEMP funding.
International Partnerships
hmt Rostock is very interested in long-term collaborations with international partner organisations and will be glad to receive any new proposals. Here you will find an overview of our international collaboration projects and partner institutions, where you can complete a period of study abroad:

As part of the Erasmus+ Programme, hmt cooperates with numerous universities in Europe and outside of Europe and we are generally open to new partnerships.
Click on the image on the right to open the interactive map of our partner institutions. On the left hand-side you can select between the degree courses music, theatre and teacher-education under “Datenebenen ansehen”. Please let us know if you find any mistakes!
All higher education institutions are potential partner institutions for hmt Rostock. If the desired university or higher education institution is not on our list of partner institutions, please get in contact with us. hmt supports “Erasmus Without Paper”: contracts are closed via the Dashboard.

The long-standing partnership between the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and hmt began in 2001 through the ABAM (Association of Baltic Academies of Music).
Prof. Karola Theill, Professor of Lieder Interpretation at hmt, seized the opportunity and was invited to offer a first masterclass for lieder interpretation in the Voice Department at the JAMD. As part of the exchange with ABAM, Prof. Theill was invited to three further masterclasses in Jerusalem and was a member of the jury in a lieder competition at the JAMD in 2008. In return, hmt invited vocal lecturers Gilah Yaron in 2004 and Dr. Zvi Semel in 2012 and 2019 to give masterclasses on the subject of "Israeli song" at hmt. One of the areas of focus in these exchange activities was the topic of cultural transfer, which places compositions between European tradition and oriental influences. During the pandemic, Dr. Zvi Semel and Prof. Karola Theill provided a joint online seminar as a “joint class” on the topic of “Vienna around 1900”. A significant discussion point proved to be the political and social backgrounds of the historical contexts in which the music had been created. In recent years, the lecturers were able to greet a vocal student from Jerusalem for one semester at hmt, a vocal student from Rostock spent a year of her studies in Jerusalem.
The collaboration is now supported financially by Erasmus+. Students and members of teaching staff can receive funding for exchanges in both directions. If you are interested, apply through the Erasmus+ procedure.

hmt Rostock supports the full scope of MV’s Baltic Sea strategy: “Strategy of the State Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region”.
“The democratic Baltic Sea region is faced with major future tasks that we will only be able to tackle together. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wants to take this chance and expand our Baltic Sea cooperation. We see ourselves as the German gateway to the Baltic Sea and we would like to broaden access even further.” (Bettina Martin)
hmt is realising this strategy by reserving a large portion of its Erasmus+ budget exclusively for exchange in the Baltic Sea region. Furthermore, hmt is planning closer collaboration with two to three partner universities in the Baltic Sea region. We will keep you posted!

The cooperation activities under PUENTES – BRÜCKEN aim to build bridges between various topics, cultures and people through music as art, but also by examining composers’ biographies and social conditions for activities linked to musical culture. Argentina and Germany are therefore representative of this topic as the music history of both countries can hardly be described without the respective cultural transfers.
Lecturers from the Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA) and the Rostock University of Music and Drama started exchange activities in the subjects singing/lieder interpretation in 2012. This foundation was built on by the project “Puentes – Brücken II” that took place in February 2022 with a masterclass and a workshop on the topic of Argentinian music that was held by Prof. Graciela de Gyldenfeldt (singing, UNA) and Henning Lucius (lieder interpretation, hmt). The workshop was accompanied by an exhibition that displayed paintings by the painter and philosopher Prof. Oscar de Gyldenfeldt in hmt’s cloister. Lieder and arias from Argentinian composers were performed at two public concerts that featured students from hmt. The intercultural art project was accompanied by musicological workshops held by Prof. Dr. Friederike Wißmann and Dr. des. Gabriele Groll (both hmt) with the aim of connecting art and academia. The third project “Puentes – Brücken III: Generation – Teacher-Student Networks between Argentina and Europe” that is planned to take place at UNA in October 2024 shall build on the previous projects, but as a logical consequence, places its focus on the present. The focus of attention shall be on teacher-student networks that formed at the beginning of the 20th century and are still in existence today.
The aim is to create a cross-university network that is dedicated to the topic of cultural transfer between Argentina and Germany in its many different facets. A central objective is to promote the development of a global understanding of democracy through the creation of art and the examination of the respective cultures and their views of history. This includes the reappraisal of mechanisms for cultural identity formation, dealing with the past in dictatorships, but also the dialogue on current political developments in both countries, which is to be conducted from an international perspective. In a globalised world, the understanding of democracy and the practice of democracy are unthinkable without international exchange. This is where the project would like to make a contribution by providing educational offers in the fields of art and academia to create awareness for the necessity of strong democratic structures.
International students in Rostock
hmt Rostock warmly welcomes all of its international students. New country, new city, for some of you new continent, new language, new culture: there’s lots to get used to. Rostock provides various structures to help you:
hmt Rostock’s International Office supports and provides advice to international members of the university community. We provide you with information on topics such as laws that apply to foreign nationals, the German higher education system, and language courses. We will also be glad to help you with the completion of forms and finding accommodation.
Rostock’s Student Services (Studierendenwerk Rostock) has an information office for international students that you can contact at any time if you require organisational or psychological help.
Lots of further information can be found on our website, e.g. on study organisation, or on Rostock and the surrounding area.
Anyone who is not an EU citizen must request a visa prior to arriving in Germany.
Further information can be obtained from the Federal Foreign Office or the local authorities.
This video by the Servicepoint for Intercultural Competence of Deutsches Studierendenwerk explains requirements and options for financing studying in Germany for international students. It explains legal restrictions in the area of working a part-time job, and provides practical tips for planning your studies in Germany. (As of: March 01, 2024).
You'll also find some scholarship opportunities here.
In order to enable successful studies at hmt Rostock, the university demands a certain level of German, depending on the degree course. The faster the students attain the level, the faster they will be able to start their regular studies. For this reason, we strongly recommend all international students learn German as quickly as possible and, of course, continue to improve their language skills! Here is a list of possibilities:
App for learning German:
German language course in Rostock:
- Study in Germany (our favorite!): intensive language courses
- Language Center at the University of Rostock/Sprachenzentrum Universität Rostock: weekly courses
- Volkshochschule Rostock (adult education centre): weekly courses
Further possibilities in Rostock:
- Conversation course at hmt Rostock (our favorite!): The International Office provides a conversation course once a week for all international students. Come and join in! It's a great opportunity to speak German, get to know new students and enlargee your hmt network. More informations in the international office.
- Tandem programme: a tandem consists of two persons. If, for example, you would like to learn German, you will be introduced to a native speaker who will help you to learn the language and whom you can help with your own language skills.
- Language evenings with esn_lei: The esn_lei society organises a wide range of activities for international students, including three very enjoyable language evenings per semester. This is a good chance to practice your German in a pleasant setting. Follow their Instagram channel!
- Monthly Get-Together: The Rostock International House organizes a monthly get-together to speak German for all international students in Rostock.
Find out more about health insurance here.
Anyone living in Germany must register at the local Registration Office. Students receive € 150 as a welcoming present when they register in Rostock for the first time. This requires students to arrange an appointment in good time and to bring a confirmation from their landlord and an identity document to the appointment. You should also notify the Registration Office if you choose to leave town permanently.
The ESN (Erasmus Student Network) organises several events for international students (not just Erasmus+ students) in Rostock.
The StuRa (Student Council) represents all students and is elected once a year. You can contact the StuRa at any time or arrange an in-person meeting.