Welcome to the University of Music and Drama Rostock!
Dear student,
You have successfully completed the entrance examination and are now able to enrol at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock. Congratulations!
For a successful enrolment and to prepare for your your arrival, we kindly ask you to read the following information carefully and to send us the required documents in due time.
We wish you a good start to the semester!
Your student office
Mrs Swantje Tomforde
Student Office
fon +49 381 5108-224
Mrs Jeanne Baldensperger
International Office
fon +49 381 5108-226
For a successful enrollment, we ask you to hand in the following documents as soon as possible and by the 1st of March 2025 at the registrar’s office (Studierendensekretariat):
- The completed and signed matriculation papers: enrollment form.
- Digital confirmation of your health insurance with sender number: H0001457.
Information about the health insurance confirmation. - Required documents (see enrolment form)
- Payment of the semester fees
Please note: If any of the listed documents cannot be presented in time, we will not be able to process the enrolment.
You are welcome to send the documents via post or
e-mail: swantje.tomfordehmt-rostockde
hmt Email
All students get an email address (firstname.lastname@hmt-rostock.de) for the time of their enrolment at the hmt Rostock. A registration email will be sent to the private email address on your account from 7 March.
Please activate your email immediatly! Most of the communication at the hmt will work through it.
If you have not received your registration mail by 10 March, please contact
Online Portal
After successful registration, you will be able to find all the documents you need in our online portal under "Studienservice", e.g. your certificate of enrolment (“Studienbescheinigung”) and your Transcript of Records.
International students
Everyone who is not from the EU needs to apply for a visa - better in advance, as it might take a while until it will be granted. You can find more information in the „Auswärtiges Amt“ or by "Migrationsamt".
Financing your studies: This video by the Servicepoint for Intercultural Competence of Deutsches Studierendenwerk explains requirements and options for financing studying in Germany for international students. It explains legal restrictions in the area of working a part-time job, and provides practical tips for planning your studies in Germany. (As of: March 01, 2024).
Eramsus+ students:
If you come here via Erasmus+ you have to fill in the Online Learning Agreement and state the courses you wish to take during your time at the hmt. This has to be done before the semester begins. The so-called "Component Code" is always "1". You'll find the number of ECTS gained per course in the
Studienverlaufsplan of your department.
Semester fee:
Every student must pay the semester fee of € 285.40. It consists of € 99.00 for the Studierendenwerk (Student Services), € 10.00 for the student body [de], and € 176.40 for the "Deutschlandticket" for the local public transport network. Please transfer the semester fee to the following account by March 1st:
Recipient: University of Music and Theatre Rostock
Bank: Ostseesparkasse Rostock
IBAN: DE 79 1305 0000 0201 0189 18
Reason for payment : Your name + department
Second Master’s degree:
Furthermore, there is a regulation for all students who already hold a Master’s degree and wish to enrol in a 2nd Master’s programme. For this 2nd degree course, you have to pay a fee of € 650.00 per semester. You will receive an invoice during the first weeks of the lecture period.
Preparatory study programme (Vorstudienjahr) and German course:
Please read carefully the document about German knowledge and pay the fees on time.
Fees for lateral entry teacher training students (Master of Arts Teaching Music / Teaching Theatre):
Students on the Master of Arts Teaching Music and Teaching Theatre courses pay a reduced semester fee of €39.00 to the above account by 1 March 2025 . The fee consists of € 10.00 student body fee and € 29.00 student union fee. In addition, tuition fees of € 650 per semester, at least € 1.300. You will receive the invoice in the first few weeks after the start of lectures.
Knowledge of the German language
hmt Student:
All candidates, who do not speak German as their native language, have taken a test regarding their knowledge of German during the entrance examination and got their acceptance depending on the result. Should you have completed the required level of German AFTER the entrance examination, you can send the respective certificate until September 1st, and enrolment conditions will change accordingly. More information about the
German language certificate.
Erasmus+ Student:
We strongly recommend you to study German before arriving. You can use free apps or look for a “Goethe Institut” or similar institutions like language schools close to your city.
Sprachenzentrum at the University Rostock:
During your studies in Rostock, you can book any language course - including German for all levels - at the language school “Sprachenzentrum” of the Rostock University. The fee is 40 € per semester and you will receive with 6 ECTS for completing the course. The enrolment for courses in the summer semester begins on 17 March 2025 at 9:00 am.
Semester start and Welcome day
Classes and lectures start on April 7th 2025.
Usually, we schedule classes about one week before the start of each semester. You will be able to find the schedule and the names of your teachers on the pin boards in front of the classrooms O1 04 – O1 07 in the Hochschule and the schedule of lectures in the
“Vorlesungsverzeichnis” on our homepage.
On 10th April 2025, the ceremonial opening of the semester will take place at 10:00 a.m. in the Katharinensaal.
This is followed by the Stura's first day with an information event on studying and a tour of the building. It's always a great opportunity to get to know each other. The hmt student council (Stura) will inform you about the events via email and Instagram.
According to past experiences, accommodation in Rostock is complicated - especially at the beginning of the semester. That's why you should start as soon as possible looking for it.
The easiest and cheapest solution is a dormitory run by the “Studierendenwerk Rostock Wismar”. Register as soon as possible, so you may get a room near the hmt. If you prefer to live in a shared flat you can visit wg-gesucht (this website is only available in German, although many offers are also written in English).
You will find more information on our Website.
"Ortsamt" Registration
When living in Germany you have to register at one of the “Ortsämter”. For your first registration in Rostock, you will even be rewarded with 150 € by the city! Therefore you will need to book an appointment as soon as you arrive and bring your ID and a “Wohnungsgeberbestätigung” (your landlord’s or landlady's confirmation).
Abonnieren Sie unseren hmt-E-Mail-Newsletter! Er informiert über ausgewählte Veranstaltungen, Erfolge unserer Studierenden und weitere Entwicklungen unserer Hochschule.